Monthly Archives: January 2013

Spring, Flowers and Knobs



Now the snow is all gone an the only tralle of trail of it is large puddles. But the sun has shown it’s face today, maybe a singn of spring? who knows. I do really long for the spring to come. I want to watch all the flowers grow. I love flowers and have always done although I’m allergic. Flowers always make me smile.

It wasn’t really flowers I was going to talk about,but my thoughts wandered away. I have to think about what is was I were going to talk about. Oh yes I remember   🙂

I have started to re make some of my furniture.A drawer that I have painted white, but i also want some color on it. So I have thought about putting on some cute knobs. I have seen many on the internet, but i haven’t decided yet. Right now I am really in to pastel colors so maybe some knobs in on of those colors. My favorite is mint green.

But before I buy new knobs, I will try to re decorated the old ones. I have painted them white to, and I ‘am thinking about painting mint green on the top. I will show you guys when it is finished. 🙂

I have so many things that I want to make and try, but I don’t have so much time. But I will at least try to make some time, I really love making things. 

Hope you all have a great day.

Bye Bye

See you soon 

Cold Friday


Hi !

The snow is still on the ground and it is 10 degrees below zero.When if it is cold out side, it is really nice to take a walk with my dog. And he never says no to a walk so it’s fun to walk with him. The nature is also very pretty. The trees was covered of frost the all morning.

I almost always forget to take a picture when I’am out, but I have to do it so I can show you guys.

I have some suff i wanted to show you. This is a bracelet that I made a week ago or so.

I really like it beacuse there are so many beads on it. Have never made this kind of bracelet before, but I have always wanted to try and so I did ( as you can se ). 

On the backside of the sun you can read; made with a smile. I think it’s cute.


I have though about art journaling but I’m not really sure how to do it. I have seen other peopel do it and it is very pretty.

Does anybody have a tip or something ? Would help a bit 🙂

Hope you all have a nice day

And i will finally submit a photo of my watercolor painting.

See you soon




No crafting day today



I have some stuff I want to show you, that i made some days ago.

But it has to wait because i’m sick at the moment. Have been for some days now. So there for there will be no crafting to day, I really have to rest, so I can fell better soon.But i feel better today beacuse now i can eat and drink, couldn’t do that 2 days ago. 

So when i’m well, i will submit some photos.

bye for now


Sewing in snow and painting


Hey !

Just when you tough spring was soon on it’s way it starts snowing, the way you wished it had on christmas. Don’t get me wrong I love the snow but I also want to have spring so I can work in my garden. I am really looking forward to the tulips and so on. I think that I plated them nice. We just have to wait and see.

Somedays ago i started sewing on a part dress/tunik. I have had the pattern and the fabric a long time and never really had the feeling to start on it but now I had. It isn’t finished yet bout i have just some minor details left.

I have tought about opening an etsy shop for sometime now but I never do it. I have to make the time some day.

I am also working on a watercolor painting, I think that i have told you about it before. I think that it is starting to look good.

I have painted with watercolor for some time, but it can never hurt with tips and tricks. So if any of you has one please tell. 

Have a nice snowy day ( or  no snow )




Sewing day



Today it is Tuesday and the weather is boring, but i still think that it isn’t so cold outside. I couldn’t really decide for what I was going to craft today. I have I tought that i want to fix my one colored shirts and make them a bit more fun. Bacause I think that it is hard to find cute shirts that i want and for the right price. So I have some ideas for that, but I have to buy some more shirts. So insted of doing that I made a top out of a old curtain. It took some time and I had to change it a few times. Know I am almost finished only have some small things to do on it.

I am aslo working on a watercolor painting. And I totally love it. The idea is that is going to be many Cherry Trees and a table with some chairs and some other stuff.

Oh I have aslo made a new candel arrangement, and it is sea inspired. It is really fresh now after all the red colors we had to Christmas. I can show you guys later.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Bye Bye

See You Soon

I know its one the wrong side, could not fix it. 


This is the fabric.

New Year


Hey !

Hope everyone hade a good new years eve!

So does anybody feel different now when it is a new year? The weather is the same as it was in 2012. We didn’t have any fireworks this year and can can say that it did not matter. Bacause there was so many other people that had them. We decided to try asian lanterns but it was to windy outside so it didn’t work 😦 but it didn’t matter really.

Oh I have to tell you guys about the dessert i mad for new  years.I have always wanted to try chocolate tarts and so i did.They were delicious but after just some bites you were content. I aslo hade some berries on the top. It looked so good so I took lots of photos, and I think that I am going to paint a painting of them.

I have more christmas ornaments to show you.This is a heart glas ornament that I painted. Image

Here is another heart but in fabric. I made lots of them and hanged them on a tree branch. Image

Bye Bye

See you soon