Monthly Archives: April 2018

Bunnies on carrot adventure

Bunnies on carrot adventure

Hello everyone!

I have taken some better pictures of the bunny frame I showed you a while back. I wanted you to see it up close and in various angles. The frame is standing on a note book that i made some time ago.

I wish you all a good night, morning, afternoon, evening or day wherever you may be on this earth.


Blue horse


Hi there! The snow has been gone for some days now and the signs of spring are getting more and more obvious. I have a light and colorful watercolor painting I made that has a spring feeling to it.  The painting is a somewhat different take on the traditional Swedish Dala horse (a wooden horse figurine from the province Dalarna,traditionally red) I usually take photos of my work process and it’s no different this time.

For this painting i used:

A pencil, for sketching


Ink pen, for the outlines

Maskingfluid, to cover the parts I didnt want to be blue

Watercolor paint, winsor and Newton, schmincke

Watercolor Paper, The Langton Prestige

Watercolor paintbrush

I wish you all a good evening, night, morning, afternoon or day wherever you may be on this earth.
